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Help Kendra raise money

For participating in Step Up for Mental Health

My Story…

I have struggled with mental health since I was a kid. I have a genetic condition called ectrodactyly which essentially means the growth of my fingers and toes were stunted/interrupted. So my hands and feet don’t look like everybody else’s. I was bullied/made fun of has a kid and as long as adults. People stare, make comments and cross boundaries that should just not be happening. On top of all that I knew I was gay and very young age. I didnt necessarily grow up in a time/place that was overly accepting of this and I didn’t want any more life issues than I currently had. So I just shoved it all down and ignored it. 

I didn’t realize until I recently started going to therapy regularly how much all of that truly hurt me and still can affect me to this day. I have a solid and regular support system that I can wholeheartedly and gratefully say that I would not be here today without. Mental health matters.  every.  single.  day. 

Donate to help Kendra raise money for Step Up for Mental Health’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 12 Maureen Bingham Mental health support is critical for people of all ages and backgrounds. Undisclosed amount
Jun 12 Anonymous Well said. Mental health matters. CA$54.55
Jun 12 Anonymous CA$54.55
Jun 11 Dawn Rovers Go Kendra!! CA$27.75
Jun 10 Mental Health Many family members have struggled with this without support. CA$54.55
Jun 09 Anonymous Thanks for sharing your journey ❤️ CA$50.00