My Story…
While I was pregnant with my daughter, my feet were extremely itchy! I would be wearing flip flops indoors and my feet would be sweating. My husband commented that I didn't weigh enough; I told my doctor my husband's comment. She agreed I didn't weigh enough too! I explained that my feet were uncomfortably itchy and just morning sickness all day like normal pregnancy.
She sent me to get my blood drawn, the woman who drew my blood was hesitant. I sensed frustration from her since I had ate food before getting my blood drawn. She was clearly annoyed. I started to feel like maybe this lady was right maybe my doctor was overreacting. I decided to sit there uncomfortably and get my blood drawn.
A couple weeks later my blood work came in... I was at working having Cheerios for my lunch and I had multiple voice-mails from my doctor's nurses. They sounded urgent; they already had a room set up for me! Normal levels were 1-10; mine were 80!!!
Immediately, I went to the ER and got admitted. We were blessed to have an amazing staff who comforted me throughout the birth. I remember the nurses explaining that my baby might be hairy since she was 2 weeks early. Or she might look like a cheese baby since she hasn't got enough fat on her. Even with these vivid descriptions; I felt comfort and was not worried. At the moment I didn't know the seriousness of the situation.
I remember asking for prayers because I know there is power in prayer especially when two or more are gathered. We had decided to name her Eliana which means My God Has Answered! We didn't know the meaning of her name until she was born.
They popped my water and we had a beautiful baby girl. She was so tiny; 4lbs 10oz. Thank you Jesus for the Angels you wrapped around us during this moment.
My daughter is 6 now and she is incredible! She knows there is power in prayer. She makes up her own songs and loves to draw.
I pray that more people get educated about Choleostasis. Anytime I see a pregnant woman, I ask if her feet are itchy! Not many people know about Choleostasis unless someone they know has gone through it. I feel like my job is to get the word out and educate others. Hopefully, enough of us can spread the news so women can save their babies before it is too late.
Donate to help Becky raise money for 2023 Virtual ICP Walk/Run to Fight the Itch’s fundraising campaign.