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For participating in 2023 Golden Heart Run

Be MVP for your 49ers today!

For decades, the 49ers have lifted our spirits through triumph and adversity, forging memories that impact a lifetime. We now have the chance to make an impact in our heroes’ lives. The Golden Heart Run is an annual 4.9K race and family-friendly event that celebrates everything we love about the game for a great cause: supporting former 49er players and their families navigating life’s challenges after the NFL. Why? Because transitioning out of the NFL is more than a career change - it’s a complete lifestyle overhaul. From finance to relationships to health, players and their families can face multiple challenges while they determine what’s next. By supporting The Golden Heart Fund you are becoming part of a team that helps your heroes move into their next chapter in life. The Golden Heart Fund uses peer-to-peer mentorship to connect players to resources, community and career opportunities. Every dollar you donate today will help me give back to the 49ers. You can help me reach my fundraising goal by making a donation to my page today!


Help former players find a path to good health, purpose, and employment. 

A structured schedule, support from coaches and trainers, purpose to serve a team - these are just some of the things athletes lose after they play their last game. When the camaraderie and routines go away, professional athletes often experience uncertainty, loss of identity, and financial strain. Additionally, the physical toll of the game often causes chronic health challenges.

The Golden Heart Fund not only supports our athletes — but their immediate families as well. Your donation helps connect 49ers to comprehensive, peer-to-peer support after the NFL.