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Help Tori raise money

For participating in 12th DOCF Teal Ribbon 5K Run-Walk to Fight Ovarian Cancer

My Story…

I am currently celebrating almost 2 years in remission.  I couldn't have done it without the love and support of my family, friends, and loved ones, my Tribe!  

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 27 Michelle Troutman So happy that you're two years into remission! Hope you and the rest of the Tribe have a great walk! $107.35
Sep 22 Shannon Vavala $107.35
Sep 19 Susan Hawrylak Tori you are such an amazing person and inspire so many of us! So glad to be a part of your tribe!❤️ $107.35
Sep 04 Anonymous Tori Thank you for helping others. No one should fight alone Undisclosed amount
Sep 02 Regina Watson Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Erin Brand You're a true inspiration Tori! $107.35
Aug 17 Gina Cronin You’re an inspiration to so many Beautiful Tori!!! $107.35
Jul 28 Lauren Shelby Tori- You inspire me every day and I am so grateful that you are in remission for almost 2 years! Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Rob & Lisa $107.35
Jul 18 Tori Cordova $107.35