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Help David raise money

For participating in 12th DOCF Teal Ribbon 5K Run-Walk to Fight Ovarian Cancer

My Story…

On New Year’s Day 2014, I awoke with a lump in my abdomen. Soon after I was diagnosed for the first time with stage III ovarian cancer. Treatment to bring the disease into remission consisted of a full hysterectomy and six months of chemotherapy. I bravely faced the second diagnosis with the same smile and positive attitude that I have had my entire life. Understanding the sense of urgency to address the new tumors on my lung and spleen I made the decision to seek treatment at the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Center. As the 2nd occurrence progressed I was hospitalized with neutropenia, the effects of which caused severe fevers and respiratory issues. Miraculously I recovered and went into remission a 2nd time. As of this date, cancer has returned a third time & a fourth time, and is now considered chronic but I remain steadfast to assist in any way possible to eradicate this terrible disease by supporting the Delaware Ovarian Cancer Society.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 Custom Ink LLC Thanks for designing your awesome team shirts with Custom Ink! $22.15
Aug 22 Bursler Can’t do the walk anymore. So this is my support. Undisclosed amount