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Help Julia raise money

For participating in Cooper Robertson Foundation – Run With Coops!

My Story…

After hearing my friend's experience with Cooper's race and watching his story, I decided I wanted to be apart of this amazing fundrasier (race) this year. I encourage you all to go watch Cooper's story on the website to feel inspired to, "be present in every moment" and give back where you can. The money raised will go towards a rare genetic disorder called, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), which Cooper has been diagnosed with. This is a disorder that is they are continuing to research to hopefully develop a cure. Any amount of $$ helps!

Donate to help Julia raise money for Cooper Robertson Foundation – Run With Coops!’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 21 Cristina Rocchi $25.00
Oct 19 Julia Buffone $25.00