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Help Preston raise money

For participating in Run to Feed the Hungry

Donate to help Preston raise money for Run to Feed the Hungry’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 23 Auntie Sarah So proud of you Preston!! Undisclosed amount
Nov 23 Lord Yoda Run well, you will. The finish line, strong in you, it is. Undisclosed amount
Nov 23 Tyler & Raela So awesome! Go Preston! Undisclosed amount
Nov 22 Aunt Linda Enjoy the run Preston! Undisclosed amount
Nov 22 Beckie & Emmanuel Have fun! $42.00
Nov 22 Amelia and Andrew Run, Preston! Run! $21.00
Nov 22 Ed and Patty RTF has been one of our favorite runs for many years. It’s great to see young people getting involved! Go Preston!!! $52.50
Nov 22 The Canns GO PRESTON!! Undisclosed amount
Nov 21 Grampa Craig Preston, run like the Flash!! Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Anonymous Go Preston! Undisclosed amount