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Help Cayla raise money

For participating in 15th Annual Be Ovary Aware 5K run 3K walk

My Story…

In May of 2020 I was diagnosed with stage 1b vulvar cancer.  Being diagnosed at the very beginning of pandemic was even more isolating that anyone can imagine.  I received a Teal Good Bag from Sue’s Gift as I sat in my gynecologic oncologist’s office waiting for a treatment plan. It was then I realized I wasn’t alone. I read through the resources.  I joined a virtual support group (and ugly cried my way through the first week). I received a mentor with a similar diagnosis and chatted away my anxiety.  I applied for and received financial assistance so I could focus on 1 thing: my health.

Three years later I am thriving and showing No Evidence of Disease.  I am giving back to the organization that provided so many lifelines to me. Please consider donating! My goal is to raise $500, the amount of one financial assistance grant, to help another Colorado woman diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 25 Sarah Grames Performance Love you Cayla!! $54.10
Aug 21 Bonnie Gallagher $54.10
Aug 19 Tyler $54.10
Aug 19 Alyssa Strecker $27.48
Aug 17 Maura Schreibman $22.15
Aug 06 Linn With you all the way! $27.48
Aug 04 Anonymous So proud of and thankful for you! Undisclosed amount