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Make-A-Wish Canada

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Make-A-Wish Canada

Our Mission

Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Make-A-Wish® creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We are on a quest to bring every eligible child's wish to life, because a wish is an integral part of a child's treatment journey. Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. Make-A-Wish is the world’s leading children’s wish-granting organization, serving children in every community in Canada, and in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, please visit

The Impact of a Wish

When children are battling a critical illness, so much of normal childhood is taken away from them — it is exhausting, both emotionally and physically. A Wish is something that gives kids the opportunity to look outside their illness — it restores a sense of childhood back to the child and normalcy back to the family.

Tax receipts will be issued for anything over $20.00.


Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
May 01 Holy Whale Brewing Corp 500,00 $
Jan 02 Nancy Black God bless you Amelia :) 26,19 $
Dec 31 Suzanne Gauthier C'est beau la gang! Montant non divulgué
Dec 31 Famille Paquette Bravo la gang! 52,37 $
Dec 31 Clare's party 157,12 $
Dec 30 N. McComber Montant non divulgué
Dec 30 Anonyme 50,00 $
Dec 30 Anonyme We love what you and Amelia are doing 26,19 $
Dec 29 Donations collected during event 320,00 $
Dec 29 Raff Melito for Helen! Montant non divulgué