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Help Sammi raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…

A wise and inspiring woman on social media, going through an incredibly hard time, inspired me to commit to running the half marathon I've always wanted to, but also, to make it count a heck of a lot more.

Help me support pediatric cancer research by donating to this amazing cause!

Donate to help Sammi raise money for Servus Calgary Marathon 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 26 The Lees $54.31
May 24 Finding loonies $6.24
May 20 RVana Rentals $107.72
May 06 Linda Dawe Good luck Sammi! $54.31
May 06 Lauren & Phil Good luck Strong Like Sloane! Have fun! 🥰💛🤗🥰💛🤗 $107.72
Apr 01 Hrycyks Good luck everyone $22.26
Mar 25 Abbott Fam 💜💜💜 $54.31
Mar 23 Annett Johnson Good luck Sloane. $107.72
Feb 22 Anonymous $54.31
Dec 11 Go Sloane! Undisclosed amount