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Help Artur raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…

This marathon may seem insignificant to some, but for me, it represents months of daily training and considerable emotional and physical effort. While it might be trivial for others, for me, it's a significant part of my life.

I wish to dedicate my run symbolically for the benefit of others. I have chosen two preferred fundraising organizations:

1. The Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society, in honour of my wife, who is a passionate advocate for homeless pets. Over the past decade, she and her team have helped more than 100 animals find their forever homes.

2. The Calgary Society for Persons with Disabilities, in recognition of my friends and all our brothers and sisters living with disabilities.

What these organizations accomplish might seem unimportant to many, but their work saves lives and enhances the beauty of our society.

Donate to help Artur raise money for Servus Calgary Marathon 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 25 My Caribbean Luxury Travel $107.72