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Help Beatrice raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

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My Story…

One of my closest friends selflessly donated a kidney last year, showcasing an extraordinary demonstration of love, commitment, and self-sacrifice.

This profound act inspires my run and mission to support patients in need. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone and will run my first ultra, 

Join me in raising 10$ for each of the 60km of the race 

Donate to help Beatrice raise money for Servus Calgary Marathon 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 24 Victoria Lehman Go Chef B!!! Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous Keep the Force $122.57
May 21 Manu $107.72
May 21 Vanessa O’Brien This is for a great cause… Good luck xx $54.31
May 21 Erin $54.31
May 18 Anonymous $107.72
May 18 Lady Calamity $54.31
Mar 01 Anonymous $107.72