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Help Patty raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…

Hello Everyone!

If you know me, you know my passion is MEOW Foundation - from fostering to markets to Board involvement and anything in between!  I just want to help these wonderful critters who just want to be cared for and loved.  So, I am doing the virtual 5 km Walk through the Calgary Marathon (the in person walk is this Sunday, May 26th).  This year, MEOW Foundation is running/walking in memory of Jeremiah, our MEOW Foundation adopted kitty (and receptionist at the Adoption Centre) who passed away in February earlier this year.  Jer was a wonderful ambassador for MEOW and I always looked forward to seeing him when I visited the Adoption Centre.  He is missed by all of us in the MEOW family as we continue to share stories and a few tears. 

Please support me in memory of Jeremiah with a heartfelt "MEOW" - to Make Each One Wanted!

Donate to help Patty raise money for Servus Calgary Marathon 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 02 Patty Auger $107.72