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Help Claire raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…

Hello! I am proud to be walking 10km to raise funds and awareness for Children’s Cottage Society. You can help by joining the team, donating, or sharing. Wish me luck!


Children’s Cottage Society is dedicated to building strong healthy children and safe nurturing families through prevention programs and support services. We work with families to increase protective factors and decrease risk factors as a strategy to promote child development, effective and nurturing parenting, and to support and strengthen family functioning. These efforts keep our promise to children, "to help your parents keep you safe so that you can grow up to be healthy and happy.”    

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 01 B+D+H+L (+W) Have an awesome time! $54.31
Apr 28 Shaun Cownden Go Claire go! $161.13
Apr 27 Kevin Cownden Keep up the good work $54.31