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Masaka Cycling Club

Raise money for Masaka Cycling Club

Graveleur will donate part of your standard registration to the Masaka Cycling Club.  If you would like to make an additional personal donation, you can do that here.

Masaka Cycling Club is a local club promoting cycling among the female, male, girls, boys and Youth with Disabilities in Masaka District Uganda. They build talents of the youth to be professional in cycling and also to contribute to the community development.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Matthew Jones $10.55
Apr 25 Anonymous $5.28
Apr 23 Christopher Jenkins $52.75
Apr 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 14 Anonymous $10.55
Apr 14 Stuart Grieve $26.38
Apr 12 Climb Collective $26.38
Apr 07 Jody Scott $10.55