O'CRUD Saturday, May 3, 2025 |
The O'CRUD (Open-water Catawba River Up and Down) race on Saturday, May 3rd will have two distance options. Both start and finish at the Mount Holly Boat Landing in Mount Holly, NC. The 2.4-mile 10K distances will both have an in-water, treading start. Participants will swim upstream for half the distance of each race before turning to head back downstream to the finish at the boat landing.
This race is the 2025 kickoff of the Charlotte Open Water Swim Series. The series consists of the O’CRUD, the Hell or High Water Swim, the Mt. Holly Mile and the Charlotte Open Water Championship.
What: O’CRUD open water race
When: Sat., May 3, 2025
10K starts at 8:00 AM
2.4 Mile starts at 8:05 AM
Where: Mount Holly Boat Landing, 724 Elm Ave., Mount Holly, NC
10K - $175
2.4 Mile - $85
Please note: 10K swimmers must be accompanied by a kayak escort. If swimmers cannot provide their own escort, they can arrange for a kayaker and/or kayak on the registration page.
Registration fees
$175.00Apr 29 - May 3
2.4 mile
$85.00Apr 29 - May 3
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is the course like?
This is an out-and-back course in the Catawba River. You'll head upstream for 5k and then downstream for 5k - HOWEVER, thanks to cooperation from Duke Energy, we have historically had zero current during out swim, so you can expect flat water in both directions. Water temps will be cold - expect anywhere between 65-70 degrees.
- Is there a time limit?
There is no time limit. Since the course is out and back, that allows us to safely patrol the entire course, even for slower swimmers. That does make this an attractive swim for new marathon swimmers. However, the final decision to pull any swimmer is the discretion of the race director.
- Where do I park?
Everyone will arrive and park at the race start. There is plenty of free parking at our boat landing at 724 Elm Ave., Mt. Holly, NC. You will see a sign that says parking is $2/person. Do not pay that. That is included in your race registration fee.
- Do I need a kayak escort?
All 10k swimmers must have an individual kayak escort. You are welcome to bring your own kayaker to accompany you and assist with feeds/navigation. If you have a kayaker but need a kayak, we can provide that. Follow the options in the checkout form. Kayaks will be available at the start for you. If you need a kayaker and kayak, we can also provide that.
- Is navigation difficult?
No. You will be swimming in a relatively narrow river - deep in the middle and shallow on the sides. It is tree-lined and scenic and easy to follow. We will have large, inflatable buoys roughly every 500 meters.
- How can my friends and family watch?
As with any marathon swim, spectating can be a challenge. Truly the only spectating will be a the start/finish. You will be able to view swimmers for about a half mile upriver during the start and finish. There is ample space to set up chairs and relax during the event.
- Is there food afterward?
Yes! Dig in.
- Awards?
- T-shirts?
Yes! Available for purchase at registration.
- What is the inclement weather policy?
In the event of inclement weather, the race start will be postponed by up to 1 hour. If the race still cannot be conducted at that time, the race will be cancelled. If the race is cancelled, there will be no refunds.
- What if I have other questions?
Call or text steph@goaheadevents.com or 704-237-0301 with any questions.
Contact information
- Event contact
- Steph Cook
- steph@goaheadevents.com
- Phone
- 704-237-0301