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Help Eric raise money

For participating in 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

Hi everyone,
My name is Eric and I'm running in the 2024 Vancouver Marathon as a charity runner benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation. 

So this is supposed to be the "My Story" section on this page, but I'm finding it hard to get started.. I've always enjoyed running, thanks to Mom and Dad who made me into a lanky thing. I guess you could say it's the sport that chose me. My soccer coaches noticed this too, so they put me on the outside wing, which meant actually spending most of the game running up and down the field with possession changes. I was often told I should've just done cross country. My ball handling was always was kinda clumsy and comedic, with my legs all pogo-stick-ish. So instead, I just ran.

My relationship with running took a turn last year (2023) when my mom passed away from kidney cancer. It's been tough for a while. Her final, most essential command was "Eric, just keep moving." I think about that sometimes when I'm running.

Throughout her whole course I used running as a grief outlet. I remember the day after, I went running from the condo to the lighthouse, unaware of how far that would actually be. I targeted there because that's where I last remembered standing next to her. I wanted to feel that marine air, the wind in our coats. I imagined running all the way back home, getting in all sweaty and taking my shoes off.. I could just hear her saying "Eric, oh my gosh how far did you go? Did you remember to stretch? Do you want some ice?" But I also heard "just keep moving."

Later (while stretching!) I traced the route on Google Maps, I'd come to find I had just ran 12 miles. Something new. So that summer, I finished a half-marathon without much issue.  Actually I felt I could've kept going. It's odd. Sometimes I'm sore but the pain doesn't bother me too much. (I'm saying that now.. )

When I share this last bit, people sometimes say "Oh, you're a natural runner." But.. I'm not so sure. I don't like thinking "I'm a runner" or "I'm this" or that. The plain fact is that running 26.2 miles isn't exactly good for you. Sometimes I wonder if I'm running *from* something. But I think I can do it, I just gotta keep moving.

I know science has identified a lot of genes related to good running. Not sure if I've got all those. But there's one thing I do got - I'm my mother's son. And I like to run.

Thank you for your support, you can follow my training journey on my Strava profile here:



At the BC Cancer Foundation we believe that with your help BC CAN make a difference in the lives of all British Columbians. We know that one in two people in our province will face cancer in their lifetime and we’re igniting progress to break down cancer, piece by piece, in the labs and clinics. 

Your generous donations fund crucial advancements in cancer research and care at BC Cancer, helping save lives of British Columbians. By working with community fundraising champions like you, who believe that investments in science and innovations in care can make a significant difference for British Columbians, we are confident that BC CAN change the outcome for each person facing this disease.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 05 Brian and Lily Houck Keep moving my dude, doing amazing! Undisclosed amount
May 05 In Memory of Mom Eric, I know mom is cheering you on today too! Thank you for raising funds in her honor! Undisclosed amount
May 05 Eric Dostie Go Eric go! <3 Undisclosed amount
May 03 Sandy Feloni Good Luck Eric!! $54.31
May 02 Chris and Ron Brown What a wonderful tribute to your mom… Enjoy the run, Eric Undisclosed amount
May 02 Laurel & Rigs Keep moving, Eric <3 $25.00
May 01 Donna Brumbaugh Best of luck! $54.31
May 01 Boomerangs What people don’t realize is you shouldn’t actually run the grouse grind… it’s deceiving. Undisclosed amount
May 01 Devon and Scott Suh dude! We love you! Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 David S Keep on keepin on $27.60