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Help Thomas raise money

For participating in 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

In 2014 we lost our mum to an aggressive and rare lung cancer called mesothelioma. It shook the foundations of our family — you really don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

Losing a parent before you truly realise how much they do for you is devastating. Mum devoted her life to her family, but she never complained and cherished every second of time spent together.

10 years on, and I’ve realised that my mum still influences my life in an incredibly special way. I feel her scorn when I do something wrong, and thank her when something goes right. I like to live life in such a way that shows my mum that her efforts paid off.

I’m running for you, Anne Tandrevold Charlton, together will all of the selfless parents out there, present or not.


At the BC Cancer Foundation we believe that with your help BC CAN make a difference in the lives of all British Columbians. We know that one in two people in our province will face cancer in their lifetime and we’re igniting progress to break down cancer, piece by piece, in the labs and clinics. 

Your generous donations fund crucial advancements in cancer research and care at BC Cancer, helping save lives of British Columbians. By working with community fundraising champions like you, who believe that investments in science and innovations in care can make a significant difference for British Columbians, we are confident that BC CAN change the outcome for each person facing this disease.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 03 Yoshie Hattori Forth $27.60
May 02 Levi Good luck Thomas, 40k is a walk in the park. $81.02
May 01 Conrad Koziol $27.60
Apr 28 Maddie Goodluck Tom! You’re going to smash it. Your mum would be so proud of you! $50.00
Apr 08 Atsuko Mancktelow $27.60
Apr 02 Jayden and Louise Best of luck mate, you will smash it ! $150.00
Apr 01 Ikumi Graham $27.60
Apr 01 Sandy and Eddie Your beautiful Mum would be so proud of you Tom. She was an amazing person who touched so many lives. A very special lady. $267.96
Mar 29 Callum A wonderful way to celebrate a wonderful person, I'll always remember how kind and supportive she was for my mum when we needed it $214.54
Mar 28 Teruko Fujita $27.60