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Ottawa Humane Society

Raise money for Ottawa Humane Society


The Ottawa Humane Society (OHS) is a registered charity whose work extends far beyond caring for homeless and vulnerable animals. The organization is a community leader, creating learning opportunities and engaging with the community to help pet owners better care for their animals. The OHS reaches out to children and youth — the community’s future pet owners — directly in classrooms and through innovative day programs to provide hands-on experiences and shape the next generation of compassionate people. The OHS advocates for continuous improvement in animal welfare and works closely with policy and decision-makers to ensure there is always a voice for the voiceless.

None of this is possible without the generous support of a community that cares. Here is Carla, one of the many animals who are counting on you. 


Carla, a one-year-old poodle arrived at the OHS terrified and shaking. Her leg was broken and she could barely walk. We can only imagine how much pain she was in. But because of a caring community, she had somewhere to go to receive the urgent care she so desperately needed. 

Carla received pain medication to make her more comfortable, and X-rays showed that her leg could be saved. Our veterinary team placed a full fiberglass cast from her femur to the tips of her toes. Her cast needed to be changed regularly to ensure her leg healed properly. With close monitoring from the OHS veterinary team, and in the loving care of a foster volunteer, Carla began her recovery journey. 

Carla had a long way to go, but thanks to you, a happy ending was possible for this sweet dog. Carla found her forever home, where she can run and play again. YOU made this possible. 


Carla is just one of the sweet and gentle souls who need your help. Can she and animals like her count on your support in the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend? Join Team OHS today!


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 17 Anonymous Green bib program Undisclosed amount
May 26 Rosie Woodman for mutka! $12.15
May 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 25 Grizel and Rod Anstee Go Spencer go! $28.25
May 25 Anonymous You da, you da xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Undisclosed amount
May 25 Jack Bricker $6.79
May 24 The Woodley's You got this girl!!! We have faith in you! Richard and Christine Undisclosed amount
May 24 Samantha Koziara Get it, gurl! Have fun and good luck. You're going to rock this! Undisclosed amount
May 24 DJ PHAT BOUTI Good job Nikki! Go get ‘em!! $50.00
May 24 Kevin Hamilton Run Nikki Run $28.25