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Aidez Melanie à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement La Fin de semaine des courses d'Ottawa Tamarack 2024


Mon histoire…

Hi Everyone! 
As some of you may know, I’m training for the Ottawa Half Marathon on May 26th, 2024. I’ll be running for Pancreatic Cancer Canada! I’m currently half-way through my training.

Did you know this it is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in Canada? Raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Canada means contributing to raising survival rates by funding research, increasing awareness, education, and patient support! 

Having watched someone close to me fight this disease these last few months, this hits close to home. Please consider supporting my race and donating to PCC! Thank you so much 🫶💜


We aren’t looking for sympathy. We’re looking for results. That means raising survival rates by funding research, as well as increasing awareness, education and patient support. We’ve invested nearly $5 million across Canada. Which means we’re on the cusp of a breakthrough in early detection, treatment and improving patient outcomes.

Donate now to help raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Canada to raise funds for critical research and awareness.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Mar 24 Michelle and Brian Watters Montant non divulgué
Mar 24 Anonyme 108,76 $
Mar 24 Andrea van den Hoeven Best of luck training! Truly appreciate what you are doing💜 108,76 $
Mar 24 Astrid & Ty 55,09 $
Mar 24 Jason Wrong You got this no problem Mel! 108,76 $
Mar 24 Julia & Dom 108,76 $
Mar 24 Jenna Renaud Go Mel!!!🩷👊🏻 28,25 $
Mar 24 Karen Mondoux 108,76 $