Mon histoire…
Hello❤️. I survived a 16hr surgery, medically induced coma and 30 rounds of brain radiation. All to remove a malignant tumour in my brain stem.
My husband Blair and three young children knew there was not much hope for my recovery.
It’s taken 9yrs but I can run again!….. my way😂
I’m doing the 10 km with an ALinker Walker , my son Finn and dear friend Owen as support runners. Please donate to The Ottawa Hospital Foundation.
TOH saved my life: Melrose Family Medicine, CT and MRI, Neurosurgery team, OR team, ICU staff, Neuro oncology, Radiation Oncology, Pain Management Clinic, Rehab Centre Brain Injury Program, Neurology, ENT,Endocrinology, Eye Institute Surgery
Thank you to all my wonderful family and friends who have supported me 100%❤️🐳❤️
Thank you to TOH for saving my life and continuing to keep me living!❤️
Thank you for donating. Every little bit helps❤️🐳❤️ Hope is a wonderful thing❤️
Faites un don pour soutenir Sue et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La Fin de semaine des courses d'Ottawa Tamarack 2024.
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
May 30 | Daph Crane | Montant non divulgué |
May 28 | Rachelle Campbell | 28,25 $ |
May 26 | Patty & Ian DeLong | 28,25 $ |
May 26 | Marie Wall | 28,25 $ |
May 25 | Stephanie Flynn | 55,09 $ |
May 20 | Marion Healey | 28,25 $ |
May 19 | Danielle Vincent | 28,25 $ |
May 19 | Scully | 28,25 $ |
May 10 | Jennifer Weare | 108,76 $ |
May 09 | Rachelle Patry | 55,09 $ |