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Help Gus raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024

My Story…

This will be the 6th year Gus is running in Race Weekend (not very shabby for an 8-year-old who also lived through COVID).  

Once again he is raising money for The Good Companions and is ready to go!!

Thanks so much!! xo


Donate to help Gus raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 28 Daphne Flecher $20.00
May 25 The Harbacks Well done again Gus! So proud of you and your family! $55.09
May 25 Sue Irwin Way to go Gus & Bea! Undisclosed amount
May 25 Katie & Rob Good luck Gus and Bea! Sending love power 💙💛💜 $55.09
May 25 Nicole MacLean Good luck, Bea and Gus!!! Run like the wind :) From your friends: Roslyn and Lana $33.62
May 24 Elaine and Douglas Calder Proud grandparents mighty impressed by the team! Undisclosed amount
May 24 Nick vV Good luck to my favorite little runners! I can't believe this is Gus' 6th year! $28.25
May 24 Anonymous Go Gus Go! $108.76
May 19 Rebecca Hosker $14.83
May 10 The Good Companions Go Gus Go! Thanks for running for our seniors. Enjoy the day. $12.15