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For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024

Our story…

Grandma’s Elephants: Racing with Heart for Bruyère Foundation

As we gear up for our third year at Ottawa’s Tamarack Race Weekend, Grandma’s Elephants is back, supporting the incredible work of the Bruyere Foundation. Our connection with Bruyere began with my grandmother, Joan Dettrich's, battle with cancer until her passing in 2020. This year, the significance deepens as my other grandmother, Helen Murphy, benefitted from Bruyere's rehab program, showcasing their crucial role as a support pillar for our community. 

Having experienced Bruyere's unwavering support not once, but twice for my family, it underscores the indispensable role this organization plays in our lives. Both of my grandmothers have directly benefited from Bruyere's programs. It's not hard to fathom the positive impact they've had on countless other Ottawa families and grandmothers, mirroring the profound influence they've had on ours.

The Story Behind Grandma’s Elephants

Our team name, Grandma’s Elephants, is a tribute to my grandmother Joan's unwavering belief that elephants bring good luck. In 2018, when she first entered the hospital, I gave her a stuffed elephant for comfort. That little elephant became her steadfast companion, thanks to the incredible nurses and care team at Bruyere who made sure it stayed by her side. We embrace the name not just in memory of her but in the hope it brings us a bit of luck on race day.


As we eagerly approach this year's race, we extend our deepest gratitude for your continued support. Let's continue to make a positive impact on our community. Your ongoing support is more than a donation; it's a lifeline for the Bruyere Foundation, empowering them to extend compassionate assistance to those in our Ottawa community- it isn't just a drop in the bucket; it really is a ripple in the lives of those in need. So, THANK YOU! 

**And for those who are thinking of running too, Grandma's Elephants is honouring not just my grandmother, but all those who have been impacted by Bruyere-including those we've lost and those still fighting. So, please, join us! Your connection is valued, and together, let's raise funds for Bruyere Foundation and make a difference. The more, the merrier!!**

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount