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Help Stefani raise money

For participating in 2024 Rush to Crush Cancer

My Story…

Hi, I'm Stefani, and I am the "Team Captain" of "Pastor's Cancer Blasters." I am now a SURVIVOR -- no, a THRIVER! -- after going through not only radiation, re-sectioning surgery, AND multiple rounds/types of chemo for Colorectal cancer, starting at age 38. Now, at 49, I am fighting Paget's Disease, a rare form of Breast Cancer. It is only though the incredible support of my husband, Brett, my amazing friends (a few who have literally played "home nurse-maid" as well as professional chef and chauffer, too), and the incredible doctors and nurses at UPMC that I am alive today. The Hillman Center, in particular, is an amazing place, and I am so thankful for the care I have received there since 2013! I am in my 26th year teaching Catholic high school (16th here in the Diocese of Pittsburgh), and I am finishing my Ph.D. dissertation in Psycho-Sexualized Trauma in the Cambodian Genocide.

Donate to help Stefani raise money for 2024 Rush to Crush Cancer’s fundraising campaign.