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Help Matthew raise money

For participating in 2024 Rush to Crush Cancer

My Story…

Please help me raise money to CRUSH CANCER! 

I'm riding in this event for too many friends and family members who are, and have, struggled to fight cancer over the years. Right now, especially, I'm riding for my Aunt and dear friend's wife. 

Donate to help Matthew raise money for 2024 Rush to Crush Cancer’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 18 Anonymous $53.55
May 18 Aaron Bowser $53.55
May 17 The Kravits and Kochin family Undisclosed amount
May 17 The Gardners Undisclosed amount
May 17 Katie Kravits $25.00
May 16 Abbie Standiford In memory of my dad, grandma, and great aunt. Thank you for your efforts! Undisclosed amount
May 16 Target Drilling Inc. Thank you Matt! Undisclosed amount
May 15 Jason Hicks Thanks Matt, always an excellent cause to ride for. Keep the rubber side down! Undisclosed amount
May 13 Melissa Shaughnessy so many in my family have battled this disease. Thanks for working toward a cure. Undisclosed amount
May 13 Audrey Fuhrman Thank You Matt for helping out this cause! You rock!!! Undisclosed amount