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Help Tyler raise money

For participating in 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon

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My Story…

I was first introduced to Spinal Cord Injury BC 34yrs ago but under the name of the BC Paraplegic Association.  They first visited me soon after my injury in the spinal cord unit. Later followed up with me in my hometown to see how I was doing once leaving GF Strong rehab centre.  The peer program was later started connecting individuals with a lived experience to others who are dealing with the same kinds of situations.  Im proud to give a little back to my community as SCI-BCs Kamloops Peer Coordinator.  If you can give a little it would be a great help in keeping our peer program going that thrives across our province!  


I'm helping people with spinal cord injury adjust, adapt, and thrive by fundraising for Spinal Cord Injury BC. Can you help us reach our team goal of raising $75,000?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 15 Evelyn $40.00
May 15 Jim $43.62
May 13 Anonymous Go Tyler Tingle!!! You got this!! $214.54
May 11 Simone Fournel $27.60
May 09 The McLeans Thanks for all you do for the SCI peers in Kamloops Tyler! $535.02
May 08 Kimberly Yasunaga Proud to call you my friend, you amaze me! $27.60
May 07 Anonymous $107.72
May 07 Rhonda Crabill So proud to know you Tyler… you inspire me! $107.72
May 07 Ted & Norma Guthrie Keep up the good work and attitude Tyler, thank you for the effort you make to help others. $27.60
Apr 11 Anonymous Thanks for your dedication to SCI BC Peer Program! $27.60