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Help Angela raise money

For participating in 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

Hi everyone, this is the 10th year that I’m participating in the FLL Vancouver’s “Walk with God” campaign. After 4 years of “virtual” walks, I’m taking part in the “in-person” event this time, and will complete a 5K walk at UBC on June 23! Would you like to sponsor me? Every dollar helps!

Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) is a Chinese Catholic lay apostolate, with the primary mission of spreading the Good News of the Gospel to the global Chinese community through the production and dissemination of multimedia content. In addition, FLL also provides faith formation and missionary discipleship training for the faithful. The ultimate goal is to lead more people to encounter the love of Christ. For more information, please visit their website at

Updates I've completed my walk on June 23! But donation is still open until July 22, 2024 😊.

Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. The donation amount is in Canadian dollar. Note that there’s an option for processing fees - please see the ‘Top up your donation’ section for more details.


Thank you very much for your support 💖!! May the peace and blessings of the Lord be with you 🙏🏻!


《生命恩泉》是一個華人天主教平信徒福傳事工,於2005年在加拿大多倫多成立,為天主教多倫多總教區承認的平信徒事工 (Lay Association)。我們在多倫多、溫哥華及香港都建立了團隊。我們主要透過製作及發放多媒體內容,向全球華人傳播福音喜訊。除電視電台節目,我們還努力於網站及社交媒體福傳、製作天主教音樂等。我們亦致力為教友提供信仰培育及有系統的使徒培訓,如「喜樂漁夫」培育計劃,協助教友活出平信徒的角色及使命,燃點平信徒的福傳心火。我們渴望透過培育福傳領袖,及建立以福傳為目標的信仰團體,在教會內推動福傳文化。除此以外,我們積極推動外展及福傳活動、如新移民聚會、電話熱線、書籍刊物出版、書舍門市、宗教及福傳產品推廣等等。《生命恩泉》的最終目標是要讓最多人能與基督相遇,獲得救恩的喜訊。


想欣賞我們製作的節目、各方面靈修資料或了解我們的工作,可以登入《生命恩泉》網址 (。


1. 信用卡捐款(加幣)

2. 支票/電子轉賬捐款

3. 現金或支票收取捐款

4. 【只限香港】香港信用卡港幣

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 22 Paul Y “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15) Undisclosed amount
Jul 22 Susanne To $100.00
Jul 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 11 Rosemary $50.00
Jul 11 Willy Lam $200.00
Jul 10 Michelle Chu Great job! $50.00
Jul 10 Grace Lam $107.72