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Help Kelly raise money

For participating in 2024 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

I was diagnosed with FMD this year and it has completely changed my life.  I have learned so much along the way thanks to the FMDSA and was able to get connected to an FMD specialist through the organization.  I am now able to help donate, participate, and volunteer with the organization.  I am working with the FMDSA this year to help raise funding and awareness about this rare disease.  My goal is to bring as much awareness, education, and assistance as I can to help other patients and hopefully in the future find a cure.

Please help sponsor our team Rise and Conquer! We are raising awareness for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Our goal is to bring knowledge, power, and information gathered from research to help patients, families, and providers to those with FMD. No contribution is too small!

Donate to help Kelly raise money for 2024 Cleveland Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 18 Kristin Undisclosed amount
May 17 Stacy G Thank you for running for our cause!! 💙💙💙 $27.68
May 08 Anonymous Love you, Kell! Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 CC You’re an amazing person and a fighter. You can do it 💪🏽💪🏽 $107.94
Apr 27 Terry & Betty Ann Clark God speed KellyAnn you are in our thoughts. $536.02
Apr 17 Kent and Lisa Undisclosed amount
Apr 16 Greg and Kathy Bruns $54.43
Apr 16 The Weingrots Undisclosed amount
Apr 15 Daniel Tetirick Get Kelly a great booth position, she will be the champion of this cause $214.96
Apr 15 Michael and Sheila $27.68