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Help Keyue raise money

For participating in 2024 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

Did you know that more than 46,000 organ transplantation were performed worldwide last year? Cleveland Clinic alone contributed with more than 1,200. But did you also know that many families and patients who need to stay in Cleveland for their transplantation are often exposed to financial challenges? That's where the Transplant House of Cleveland comes in - providing key support to over 200 families every year. Sadly, finances are very limited, and they have to turn down more than 250 families every single year. Good news: you can help and make a difference! Your Donation (QR Code) supports the Transplant House of Cleveland and its mission to help as many patients and families during their very challenging transplant process. Your involvement makes all the difference in the lives of these families664200db5b014.png

Donate to help Keyue raise money for 2024 Cleveland Marathon’s fundraising campaign.