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Help Candace raise money

For participating in 2024 Sporting Life 10K

My Story

This year, I’m thrilled (and a little nervous) to participate in the SL10K supporting a cause that's incredibly close to my heart—Campfire Circle. This amazing organization provides children affected by childhood cancer with a magical camp experience, a place where joy meets healing.

At camp, kids find friendship, adventure, and a community that understands their journey. One of the most beautiful outcomes of camp is watching these children form lifelong friendships—bonds that support and uplift them long after they return home.

Friendship blossoms in pairs, which is why my goal is to raise $5,000—enough to send two deserving kids to camp for an entire week! Please join me in making a difference for our campers, giving them an unforgettable summer of laughter, fun and friendship. 

Thank you so much for your generosity!


Help deliver healing through happiness to kids with cancer or serious illness and their families.


When a child is diagnosed with cancer or serious illness, it impacts the whole family. Kids miss out on simple childhood joys, household incomes are often cut in half as caregivers take on the full-time responsibility of caring for a sick child, and families struggle to make time for special experiences.  

When you donate to Campfire Circle you are supporting in-hospital, community and overnight camp programs that create opportunities for children to build friendships and social skills, develop self-confidence and resiliency, and improve their overall well-being. Through play-based experiences, you are helping empower kids to take back their childhood, regardless of their medical diagnosis.

With your support, we can continue to offer our programs at no cost to families and grow our circle of care to provide additional play-based experiences across all four paediatric hospitals, and improve our medically supported and accessible overnight camps so that every eligible child can benefit from our innovative and impactful programs.

Thank you for helping to build a world where children thrive and families heal.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 13 Anonymous Congratulations!!! Sorry I was late to this. Undisclosed amount
May 12 Carla Way to go, Candace!! Thank you for doing this! $54.24
May 11 Anonymous $54.24
May 11 Ross & Tanya Go Candace!! $54.24
May 01 Leslie Traill Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Symmer2000 Go Candy Go! Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Candace Covent $161.58