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Palliative Care at Bluewater Health & Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat

Raise money for Palliative Care at Bluewater Health & Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat

A significant amount of the funds raised through the Bluewater International Granfondo goes to support the Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat (BPCR) which hosted its fifth event in the Fall of 2023. The BPCR is an accredited event attended by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, spiritual care providers and volunteers to hear presentations from world renowned palliative care leaders on topics ranging from the most recent advances in palliative care to the importance of self-care for health care workers. This focus on education allows for the development of knowledge and skills in those who attend while promoting working relationships and practices between palliative care organizations in the community. This, in turn, positively impacts all those who receive care from these organization.

Additionally, BIG supports Palliative Care at Bluewater Health. The Palliative Care Unit a Bluewater Health is run by dedicated palliative physicians & nurses who care for patients in hospital, community and in clinics. In addition to the staff that work on the unit, Bluewater Health has a full-time palliative care nurse navigator who provides basic palliative care and is a palliative resource and support for all staff. With strong partnerships between hospital and community, local and regional cancer centres, palliative care in Sarnia-Lambton focuses on patient and family-centered care that is compassionate, holistic, and individualized. The Palliative Unit at Bluewater Health was founded by Dr. Linda Bowring over 25 years ago and is named in her honour.


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 03 Gabrielle Ferguson Undisclosed amount
Aug 03 Micheal Fitzjohn CA$54.63
Aug 03 Anonymous Keep up the good work Undisclosed amount
Aug 01 Alex Poirier CA$269.32
Aug 01 Jon Grimwood In memory of Alan Grimwood CA$108.31
Jul 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Danielle & Greg Kaiser CA$269.32
Jul 24 Anonymous CA$6.33
Jul 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount