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Help us raise money

For participating in The 5K Foam Fest - Toronto, ON 2024

Our story…

In honour of Brayden Leclerc, who passed away from complications of Lafora Disease (LD) September 17, 2023 at the age of 22. 

LD is the rarest and most severe form of epilepsy. After leading a normal childhood, seizures and neurological degeneration starts after the age of 13. Eventually, children with LD are wheelchair bound and unable to do any normal everyday functions and are subject to seizures that get progressively worse and worse, until they die from status epilepticus - a seizure (or recurring seizures) that cannot be stopped with any sort of intervention. 

Brayden was so full of hopes and dreams, the biggest being one day that he would be "fixed" and no longer have seizures. 

Together as a team, we want kids to be able to live their biggest dream. Brayden would have helped so many other children if he could. 

Help us raise money for Make-A-Wish Canada

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 24 Lawanda Keller CA$73.32
Mar 19 Corrina Prentice CA$26.19
Mar 07 Bethany K CA$26.19