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Help Bobby-Jo raise money

For participating in 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

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My Story…

Once again this Fall, our family will be participating in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, fundraising for Cassie + Friends (a Canadian organization whose mission is to transform and improve the lives of children living with rheumatic diseases).

Our daughter Harley was diagnosed with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis when she was just 2.5 years old. The first year of navigating this disease was extremely difficult for Harley, as her rheumatology team worked to find the best treatment plan to manage her pain and discomfort. Harley had 34 affected joints, absolutely full of inflammation.

As many of you probably wonder .. “Arthritis?? In a small child??” That was our initial reaction as well. But unfortunately, Yes! That is our sweet girl’s reality.

Cassie + Friends is so near & dear to our hearts, and fundraising for this cause brings us “Hope for Harley”. Hope for our sweet girl’s future. Hope for a cure! Hope that one day we will no longer have to poke her with needles, or see her struggle with flare-ups, and just be a KID! C+F has been an absolute lifesaver for our family. They have offered us endless amounts of support, education, community and connection. They’re a Canadian organization who funds research, development, and support to try to improve the lives of all of the little ones living with rheumatic diseases. Cassie (who the organization is named after) was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis before she turned two. Her father founded C+F in hopes to bring awareness and support to Cassie and all other kids living with this disease.

We hope to spread awareness about this disease and raise money for Cassie + Friends, so they can continue the wonderful work they do. 


This year, I will be running in support of kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases with Cassie + Friends Society. Cassie + Friends is a national charity focused 100% on kids and families impacted by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Cassie + Friends provides much needed education, awareness, support programs, advocacy and research to families across Canada.

What is JA?

JA is an incurable autoimmune disease in kids that attacks healthy joints and steals childhoods. It’s just as common as Juvenile Diabetes (every 3 in 1000 kids) and yet receives a fraction of the research, awareness and support. Kids with JA live with pain, fatigue and fevers, and many require aggressive medications like chemotherapy.

In 2023, Cassie + Friends is raising money for:

  • Providing parents with access to a private Online Support Network
  • Supporting families with emergency funds and medical equipment 
  • Helping fund Monthly Expert-Led educational webinars
  • Connecting youth with trained peer mentors
  • Fueling critical Advocacy + research into safer Treatments and a cure.

Thank you for your support towards a pain-free future for kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases!

#TeamCassieAndFriends #JAWontStopMe

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 19 The Sibbles $54.63
Apr 18 Mommy & Daddy We will never stop fighting for a cure! You are a warrior and we are so proud of you! Love Mommy & Daddy xo Undisclosed amount