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Help Melissa raise money

For participating in 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Each step moves us towards a cure.

I am stepping up for my sister and all other siblings who face a life with celiac disease. We are teaming up to walk a half marathon. 

Celiac disease is a lifelong autoimmune disorder which strikes 1% of Canadians.

Celiac disease is one of the most burdensome diseases requiring a strict diet and avoidance of anything with gluten. 

Many people like my sister go 10 years without a diagnosis. Long term impacts include osteoporosis, fertility issues, anemia, and risk of certain cancers.

Celiac Canada is the only national charity that supports and advocates people living with celiac disease. It offers educational lifestyle programming that is science-based and developed by medical experts. CCA offers peer supports through a help desk - email and phone, along with an online support group.

Please join us our team if you have a family members with celiac disease! Help Celiac Canada raise $50,000 by the end of October.

Funds will support efforts to find, treat and cure celiac disease.

Melissa Secord, Executive Director, Celiac Canada


Over 100,000 people with celiac disease or gluten-related disorders rely on Celiac Canada every year, looking for support, education, advocacy help, and the latest information. We help people get access to safe, gluten-free food and a timely diagnosis. We're backed by a medical advisory council and we provide free education so our community can live longer, healthier lives. We're Canada's largest national charitable funder of celiac disease and gluten-disorder research. From the moment someone gets diagnosed, we support them every step of the way. We're all working towards a common goal: to help everyone with celiac disease or a gluten-related disorder get diagnosed and empowered to live their best life.

Sign Up now to participate and raise funds for programs and services for people living with celiac disease in Canada. We need each participant to raise $100 towards our $50,000 goal. Yes, this year please make that commitment to become a part of the fun and success in knowing you stepped up and went the distance! Prizes are available for top fundraisers in each event category. 

Please note that the Registration Fees are administration fees and not donated back to Celiac Canada.

Our goal is to have 70 people participate in this event with us. You can help by joining us today.

Please contact if you need more information or support with your fundraiser. I'm happy to help.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 30 Justine Turner $108.31
Oct 29 Anonymous $108.31
Oct 29 Dan McCarthy $108.31
Oct 19 Dana Gisana $50.00
Oct 15 Julie Clement Thanks for everything, Melissa! Have a great run $27.80
Oct 15 Bethany Carey $54.63
Oct 12 Jenn Dunn $54.63
Oct 11 Sally Zivojinovich $50.34
Oct 11 Larra Dunlop $54.63
Oct 10 Keith M Undisclosed amount