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Help us raise money

For participating in 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Our story…

We are the University of Toronto Rheumatic Disease Club!
We were founded in 2022 by a U of T student with Juvenile Arthritis through the Cassie + Friends Youth Ambassador Program. 
The University of Toronto Rheumatic Disease Club's mission is to increase understanding for and within the rheumatic disease community at U of T. This will lead to our vision of a supportive and inclusive campus for U of T students with a rheumatic disease. There are three main ways we live our mission and work towards our vision:
1. We provide care packages to U of T students with rheumatic disease. These care packages both provide essential items for students with rheumatic diseases (ex: cold packs, KT tape, easy grip pens) and show these students that the U of T community cares about them. Students with rheumatic diseases can often be misunderstood. These care packages demonstrate understanding.
2. Connection events for students with rheumatic diseases. These are fun, low-stakes events that connect U of T students who have rheumatic diseases. It's hard to fully understand a situation unless you are living it. Connecting with others who also live life at U of T with a rheumatic disease helps to make students feel understood. 
3. Education on rheumatic diseases in the U of T community. Creating a more understanding community requires that the community understand the situation at hand. The goal of the education is to provide a wider base level of knowledge about rheumatic diseases so the next time their classmate says they "have Juvenile/Rheumatoid/etc Arthritis," their peer understands a little bit of what they might be going through. When they understand their peer's rheumatic disease, they can more effectively help and support them. 
Understanding breeds support and inclusion. 
This club and, subsequently, the support we provide is a product of the amazing work Cassie + Friends does in it's youth leadership programs!
To learn more about our club, please visit @uoftrheumaticdisease on Instagram.


This year, our team will be running in support of kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases with Cassie + Friends Society. Cassie + Friends is a national charity focused 100% on kids and families impacted by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Cassie + Friends provides much needed education, awareness, support programs, advocacy and research to families across Canada.

What is JA?

JA is an incurable autoimmune disease in kids that attacks healthy joints and steals childhoods. It’s just as common as Juvenile Diabetes (every 3 in 1000 kids) and yet receives a fraction of the research, awareness and support. Kids with JA live with pain, fatigue and fevers, and many require aggressive medications like chemotherapy.

In 2022, Cassie + Friends is raising money for:

  • Providing parents with access to a private Online Support Network
  • Supporting families with emergency funds and medical equipment 
  • Helping fund Monthly Expert-Led educational webinars
  • Connecting youth with trained peer mentors
  • Fueling critical Advocacy + research into safer Treatments and a cure.

Thank you for your support towards a pain-free future for kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases!

#TeamCassieAndFriends #JAWontStopMe

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 8 of 14 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 07 Sheena Fennell Best of luck from Ireland $22.43
Oct 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 20 King Lear Concession Stand Matinee, day 3 $25.00
Oct 19 King Lear Concession Stand Night 2 Thank you so much to everyone who supported the stand tonight! We are so happy to donate this portion of our funds to Cassie + Friends. $39.00
Oct 18 King Lear Concession Stand Night 1 Thank you so much to everyone who supported the concession stand tonight! $82.50
Oct 12 Pam and Don Well done Ciara, helping others deal with JA which has made life so difficult for you. Hope you do well in the race. $100.00
Oct 10 Anonymous Well done Ciara! $50.00
Oct 10 Neil Seeman Congratulations and gratitude to the entire organizing team. Way to go! Neil $54.63
Oct 09 Mary McCallum Undisclosed amount