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Help Stefanie raise money

For participating in San Jose Half Marathon & 8K

My Story…

I have been involved with Special Olympics for 10 years. My brother was diagnosed with autism at a young age. I never thought of him as different, he was just my brother that I love dearly. Special Olympics is an amazing community of people who are kind, compassionate, and full of life. They inspire me to be better! If you have never been to a Special Olympics sports competition before, I encourage you to get involved. Your heart will be so full of joy you didn't know about. There is some magic I can't describe. I love my Special Olympics community! Please help support my passion if you are able! No amount is too small. Thank you! 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 28 Anonymous I like to support this $27.48
Mar 25 Stefanie Terrill $107.35