Help David raise money
For participating in Regional One Health ONE-Mile Championship
This user is not currently accepting donations
One Mile. One Mission. Brighter Tomorrows.
There will be hard days – the day you get bad news, the day life turns upside down, the day hope turns to hurt. At Regional One Health, they will never stop being there for your hardest days and working toward what comes next. Regional One Health defines health care, not as the people they see, but the patients that walk out the door, the scan that comes back clear, the moment dreams become a family. They are here every day bringing hope and healing to the Mid-South community.
Your donation helps Regional One Health purchase state-of-the-art medical technology, provide advanced medical training for caregivers, and initiate programs to combat various community health issues.
Will you join me in being an agent of change in healthcare and support Regional One Health and our community Specialize in Tomorrows?
Donate to help David raise money for Regional One Health ONE-Mile Championship’s fundraising campaign.