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Plano Police Association

Raise money for Plano Police Association

Benefiting the Plano Police Association (PPA) and the Plano Firefighters Association (PFA). The PPA and the PFA are fraternal, benevolent and charitable 501(c) organizations dedicated to serving the needs of their members and their families as well as their community. Their mission is to honor those who serve our community and ensure the safety and well being of all citizens.

To donate specifically to the Plano Police Association, donate below.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 08 Brian Lee $11.59
May 06 Haley Yaxley Undisclosed amount
May 05 Scott Wasserman $27.64
May 03 Adam Wruck $11.59
Apr 30 Pawel Kaniewski $27.64
Apr 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 Logan Fahey Franz Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount