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Help Cara raise money

For participating in 2024 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

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My Story…

I'm participating in the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend 2024, preparing to run my very first marathon after forever saying that this was not something I could ever possibly do! Instead, I'm now choosing to look at this event as something I GET to do, because I am healthy and physically able to do so.

In honor of my mom, my late grandmother, and my sister-in-law, who beat thyroid and breast cancers, and in memory of two friends and my former crossfit coach, who sadly lost their battles with aggressive breast and brain cancers, I have joined the AACR Runners for Research team. It is my hope that the funds raised will provide even a small benefit to cancer research and help bring hope to others who are fighting their own battles.

Donate to help Cara raise money for 2024 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Cara Farrell In honor of my mom, grandmother, and sister-in-law who beat cancer, and in memory of friends who lost battles to breast + brain cancers Undisclosed amount