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Help Meghan raise money

For participating in 2024 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

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My Story…

On November 24th, I am running the Philadelphia Marathon for the fourth consecutive year, and have once again elected to join the American Association for Cancer Research (AARC) team as a part of my training program.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is on a quest for new and innovative ways to understand, prevent, and cure over 200 types of cancer. I am proud to support their efforts and to join them in imagining a world without cancer. I personally am running in memory of my maternal grandfather James, who passed from pancreatic cancer; in memory of my paternal grandfather, Jerome, who passed from prostate cancer; and in celebration of my friend Erika, who is an ovarian cancer survivor.

I am proud to both be running and raising funds for this amazing organization in his honor. I am running to make every step of this race a step towards a cure. Thank you for your support!


All fundraising pages created go towards AACR, the official charity for the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 28 Brant $26.19
Aug 24 Chris Sikora $104.75
Aug 23 Altomonte’s ❤️ Go raise money to kick’s cancer’s A$$🙏❤️ $104.75
Aug 23 Mike Buonanno 🫡 running is hard. Donating is easy $104.75
Aug 09 Anonymous $26.19