Help James raise money
For participating in 2024 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend
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My Story…
I am a family physician. My life has been impacted by cancer. Since a young child my family and I have been affected by cancer. My grandfather David James Boyd who served our country in World War 2 died in his 60s from malignant melanoma. He was a Godly man who I admired. I also lost my aunt Janie who I admire and have been told I have her eyes. She died from leukemia at a young age and held on to fight the cancer only to die at a fairly young age with a nine year old son left behind. Currently one of my best friends and business associates Jack Parry has cancer. He is terminal. May the Lord bless him and this race and all to the glory of Jesus, amen.
All fundraising pages created go towards AACR, the official charity for the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend.