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Help Bruce raise money

For participating in 2024 Constantine Yorkville Run

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I am racing for research

Once again Team Sinai Diabetes will run to raise money for the Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes - thank you to Krista Lamb for her motivation! I will be attending and presenting at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Madrid and its satellite meeting, the Neurodiab, in Rome during the week of the event, so I will run it virtually!


This year, I am dedicating my race to support the ground breaking research that takes place at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI), part of Sinai Health. 

Funds raised will help fuel world-leading research to help push the boundaries of science and advance our collective understanding of human biology in health and disease. I hope you'll support my run or join me by registering yourself!