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Help Sheril raise money

For participating in 12th Annual Run FORE Cancer

My Story…

As I was running yesterday, I was thinking that I needed to post about the "Run FORE Cancer" race that I try to do every year.  I run in memory of my AMAZING parents and my AWESOME aunt.  However, there are also so many others I also run best friend's mother, Nicole and Kyle's other grandma, 2 good friends I worked with in Utah, 2 friends in the NICU here in AZ, a mom of a NICU graduate...the list goes on and on.  It's time to END this horrible disease.  This awful, disgusting, horrid disease has in some way affected everyone's life. By the end of my run, I was in tears--it's a good thing I had sunglasses on and sweat running down my face, so you couldn't see the tears!!  The run is this Saturday on the cart path of a local golf club.  Any donations you are able to give would be AWESOME!!!  Thanks, Sheril

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 Anonymous Run Sheri Run $107.98
Sep 20 Stan Gibson Great cause $54.45
Sep 20 Kim Sutton So proud of you, Sheril! Love your message....all I can say is, "DITTO!!" $107.98