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Help Ashley raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

If there are two things that define me, it's my unwavering passion for helping others and my love for sports. That's why I'm thrilled to be participating in the Falmouth Road Race as a part of the New England Patriots Foundation Team. This incredible opportunity allows me to combine my two greatest passions into one impactful endeavor. Please consider supporting me as I run for a cause, making a difference in the lives of others while embracing the spirit of camaraderie and athleticism. 

All of the proceeds raised by the Patriots Foundation team will be earmarked for our EMPWR sleeping bag coat donation. The New England Patriots Foundation has worked closely with the Empowerment Plan (EP) since 2015. Over the last several years the organization has sponsored thousands of EMPWR sleeping bag coats for unhoused individuals in New England. Your donation will assist the New England Patriots Foundation raise money to purchase 2024 EMPWR sleeping bag coats to distribute to unhoused individuals for the harsh New England winters. Click here to learn more about the Empowerment Plan.

Donate to help Ashley raise money for The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 30 Tiffany J Good luck Ashley! $55.35
Sep 30 Jonathan Matrullo $28.10
Sep 29 Erin Truex You go Clarke! $109.85
Sep 29 Terri OConnell $28.10
Sep 29 Andy Ellis $197.05
Sep 17 Nicole Undisclosed amount
Sep 17 Adrianna $55.35
Sep 14 Greg Simeone $109.85
Sep 14 Lisa $28.10
Sep 13 BostonBandits #53 Odin Llyod $58.62