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Help Savanna raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hi Guys! 

I'm running this year's Falmouth Road Race as a part of the Tiny Transplant Titans Team. Tiny Transplant Titans is a non-profit that was started by my friends whose son received a liver transplant at 22 months old. Their organization provides support to children who have received life-saving transplants, those waiting for their gift of life, and those needing a transplant in the future. Please consider donating to this AMAZING cause, and feel free to come out and support!!!




Tiny Transplant Titans is a 501(c)(3) that provides support to children who have received life-saving transplants, those waiting for their gift of life, and those needing a transplant in the future. We started this non-profit in honor of our son, Steve, who received a liver transplant at 22 months old. Our son, our experience and our support system motivated us to start Tiny Transplant Titans and we hope to provide support to other families going through the long road of pediatric transplant. 

We are honored to be part of the 2025 ASICS Falmouth Road Race!  The funds raised by our dedicated runners will allow us to help over 300 more children and families.  Team Tiny Transplant Titans will be running 7 miles on August 17 to not only raise money but also raise awareness for organ donation.

Thank you for supporting our mission by running or donating to our team! Your generosity means the world to us and so many other families facing pediatric transplant.  We could not do this without you! THANK YOU!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 17 Kev Keith Crush it and beat Kel! $109.85
Aug 17 Meaghan Hilchuk :-* Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 The bakers Great cause! Have fun! Xo $109.85
Aug 15 Colleen Campbell Go Sav!!!! $55.35
Aug 15 Pam Eddy Good luck Savanna! $55.35
Aug 15 Danielle Simoes Thank you for all you do for the transplant kids. Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Matt Hunt Good luck! $28.10
Aug 14 Sam Go Vanny!!!!! $109.85
Aug 11 Collin and Amy McCarthy $109.85
Jul 30 Cycle Town Fundraiser Ride $435.00