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Help Lindsey raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm Making My Miles More Meaningful With DetermiNation!

This year, I am happy to be a part of the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation's 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race team. I'm running in honor of my mom, who is a cancer fighter and survivor. My mom got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 8 years ago, and has fought a long and hard battle- having to undergo surgery and countless rounds of chemotherapy.

The American Cancer Society is responsible for funding and conducting some of the groundbreaking research so people all over the country have the opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Thanks to the resources and medical advancements provided by organizations including the American Cancer Society, my mom is now thankfully cancer free! This gives me the opportunity to give back to an organization that has done so much for my family. 


Why I Support the American Cancer Society

Cancer has affected so many people I know and love that it’s inspired me to join the American Cancer Society's Team DetermiNation's 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race team . Taking part in this iconic and historical road race with DetermiNation gives me the chance to make a difference and honor those touched by cancer by raising funds for groundbreaking research and impactful services for people going through a cancer diagnosis. I’m also participating to inspire hope for those facing the disease. I hope you’ll consider signing up too or supporting my efforts.

Funds raised support cancer patient programs and groundbreaking research that can help save lives. This event also celebrates over 18.1 million cancer survivors nationwide. 18.1 MILLION. That’s huge. That’s why I’d love your support. Will you join me? And if you can’t would you be so kind as to make a donation?


Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 17 Stryker $55.35
Aug 09 Nicole Love you!! ❤️ $28.10
Aug 08 Tracy Crowley Lindsay! You go for it girl and for your wonderful mama $55.35
Aug 04 Rob and Steffani Cotugno You go girl!! $109.85
Aug 04 Gigi and Chris F cancer!! Good luck in the race! $109.85
Jul 31 Brian Foley Cancer research saves lives! Not all can be cured yet, but we are making progress. $28.10
Jul 16 Gary & Melissa Morris Good luck in the race! We will be cheering for you from afar. $218.85
Jul 12 Chad Jeffries Love you to the moon! $137.10
Jul 12 Betty Foley $55.35
Jul 12 Wendi Cardeiro $109.85