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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


The Falmouth Rotary Club has 10 Falmouth Road Race bibs that we are able to offer to runners who want to participate in the race, while raising  funds for our service projects.

The service categories that the runner can choose are:

1)    Outdoor Learning and Environmental Projects

2)    International Projects in Nepal and India or Guatemala  

       (Human Trafficking Prevention, Education, Anti-Poverty)

3)   Local Scholarships and Local Philanthropy for Falmouth, Ma.

Each runner raises $1000 or more for the Falmouth Rotary club, to be used for the programs in the category chosen by the runners.

The Road Race and Rotary club provide a web page where runners can design their own requests for support and share them on social media, and the money can be donated through the Road Race Numbers for Nonprofits donation portal.  Or the runner can collect the money and donate it directly to the Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod and it will be applied to the required fundraising amount.

For more information 


Mailing address: P.O. Box 293, Falmouth MA 02541    


     Local Philanthropy

Solar energy for a remote shelter home in Nepal

Support of a school for at-risk children


Outdoor learning and philanthropy


     Environmental Education


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 04 Anonymous Congrats on being 2nd in Falmouth and 4th overall. Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Andrew, Kristin, Alamere, Iris, and Lila Gooo Sloopy! $109.85
Aug 17 Jim W Have a great race! $55.35
Aug 12 DG Good luck Katy! $100.00
Aug 11 Linda McCullough $55.35
Aug 10 Stu Weiner You better not complain about being tired and better finish the race lol! $28.10
Aug 10 Mark W. Murphy Good luck! $55.35
Aug 10 Beth and Michele Best to the best $28.10
Aug 07 Lenny Collins You'll look pretty fast in those new shoes! $55.35
Jul 30 Cal Go Mac! $55.35