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Help Lyda raise money

For participating in The Human Race 2024

My Story…

Please join me in supporting the Interactive Resource Center, Guilford County’s only drop-in center for people experiencing homelessness. If you’re unfamiliar with the IRC’s great work, they provide fundamental resources such as restrooms, showers, laundry services, mail delivery, and phone charging access. They also provide case management to connect people to resources, as well as dynamic housing programs to confront different aspects of homelessness. In January, they started their most ambitious undertaking yet: expanding service hours to eventually be a 24/7 center! 

To learn more, visit, or follow them on social media.

Donate to help Lyda raise money for The Human Race 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 09 Morrow Happy Birthday! $16.83
Apr 07 Julie Dossey Go, Lyda! $27.48
Apr 07 Lyda Carpen $27.48
Mar 27 Jim Howland Thank you! $27.48
Mar 27 Smita Swarup Thank you, Lyda. Great initiative. $27.48
Mar 15 Andrea Spencer Awesome! Good luck! $27.48