Raise money for Craigs Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society
Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society is a national charity dedicated to both increasing survival and improving the quality of life for every Canadian diagnosed with pancreatic cancer through awareness raising, education, support and research.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Team Heather
Raised: $9,591.11
Team Marina
Raised: $1,327.23
Rod Collier Rockets
Raised: $1,215.00
Rennie’s Rovers
Raised: $683.80
Team Brightisle
Raised: $436.76
Joy got this!
Raised: $89.88
Team Filcan
Raised: $27.85
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Barry Cutler
Raised: $2,588.80
Bethany Cutler
Raised: $1,210.68
Elaine Collier
Raised: $1,165.00
Arlene Tarrant
Raised: $970.00
Paul White
Raised: $396.38
Ramona Kelloway
Raised: $340.79
Carly Keeping
Raised: $271.62
Susan Abbott
Raised: $240.22
Doug Redmond
Raised: $190.04
Heather Sweetapple
Raised: $167.80
Maryn Walzak
Raised: $163.17
Tony Redmond
Raised: $163.17
Anne Marie Ryan
Raised: $140.00
Christopher Cutler
Raised: $109.44
Roseann Smart
Raised: $108.45
Emma Abbott
Raised: $105.00
Ellie Jackson
Raised: $102.85
Elizabeth Butler
Raised: $89.88
Krista Ash
Raised: $65.46
Florina Stroia
Raised: $54.72
Kelly John
Raised: $52.85
Patrick Dornan
Raised: $50.00
Steve Noble
Raised: $27.85
Karen Green
Raised: $27.85
Julia Smart
Raised: $27.85
Gerard Smart
Raised: $27.85
Heather Sweetapple
Raised: $27.85
Marecil Lim
Raised: $27.85
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
May 09 | Zachary, Nicholas & Noah | $100.00 |
May 09 | Bessie & Claude | $215.93 |
May 09 | Steve and Karen Thorne | $54.72 |
May 09 | Michelle and Jeremy Reid | $54.72 |
May 09 | Julie Morris | $54.72 |
May 09 | Anonymous | $25.00 |
May 09 | Ern Green | $269.67 |
May 09 | $27.85 | $27.85 |
May 09 | Cec & Myrtle Cochrane | $54.72 |
May 08 | Doug Vaughan and Brenda Hansford | $54.72 |