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Help us raise money

For participating in 2024 Sonoma County Human Race

Our story…

The Living Room has a mission to ease adversity, promote stability, and support self-reliance for Sonoma County women and children who are experiencing, or at-risk of experiencing, homelessness.

Join our team of staff, participants, volunteers, & community supporters to walk, run, or roll towards raising funds to support women, children, & their pets that are working for a better life in Sonoma County. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 10 Janet Alfieri Making the donation of my mother Janet Alfieri who was a long time volunteer and continues to be a huge lover of the Living Room! $43.45
May 09 Ivona Williams Keep on doing great things! $27.48
May 04 Geyserville Inn Thank you $160.60
May 04 Nancy ❤️ I hope it was a fun morning! Rain or shine 🎊🌧️☔️☀️🎊 $160.60
May 04 Kelly Great job John! Keep up the good work! $27.48
May 03 Judy A Yay Melinda! Thank you for doing this! $27.48
May 03 James Eakin-Northwestern Mutual $27.48
May 03 Heal Wellness Center You got this!! $16.83
May 03 Heal Wellness Center You got this!! $16.83
May 03 Affex Marketing $27.48